My name is Nathan and I am a 4th year PhD candidate at the University of Virginia. Born and raised in Cincinnati, OH, I have a passion for science and technology that was nurtured from a young age.

I studied biological engineering at Purdue University. At Purdue, I worked under Dr. Mathew Tantama to develop fluorescent protein-based sensors that can be used with live-cell microscopy to visualize and quantify cellular physiology. After graduation, I worked for the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute as a research associate, where I helped engineer new antibodies for use in substance abuse research.

Currently, I am a graduate student in the lab of Dr. Nathan Sheffield. My research leverages techniques in natural language processing and interpretable machine learning to study gene regulation and single-cell epigenetic datasets. As a seasoned developer with a passion for web programming and development, I am always seeking new opportunities to challenge myself and expand my skills. I am particularly passionate about developing powerful, accessible and intuitive software for use in the broader scientific community.

When I'm not studying or coding, you can find me out on a run, reading, hiking in the great outdoors, or capturing memories through photography.

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